Is there any good way to make the paintbrush even?

Wall painting is the most important process in home decoration. Usually, the wall painting finishes, which also represents the completion of the hard decoration. If you find that the wall surface is uneven after starting the soft installation, it is very troublesome to try to remedy the construction. Therefore, The Custom Soft Pattern Roller Exporter will teach you a few techniques.
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1.Wall cleaning
If you want to be more even when you paint, you must do a good job in the pre-treatment. Before brushing, clean up the base so that the surface of the wall can reach a preliminary level and smooth. If the primer has been painted on the wall, after the primer is dried, the unevenness needs to be smoothed with fine sandpaper, so that the overall uniformity and finish of the wall will be higher after the finish.
It should be noted here that when you are sanding, do not use it horizontally. We usually paint in the order of up and down, so it is also recommended to sand in the up and down direction when grinding. The texture of the paint can reduce the marks of sanding.
In addition to the unevenness of the wall surface, it is also necessary to pay attention to the color of the wall paint to avoid color differences and uneven colors, which is also a very unsatisfactory brushing effect. When grading, you must first calculate the amount of paint, prefer to buy more and not less. Select the main paint and auxiliary paint, and stir evenly according to a certain proportion when toning.
3.Stained with paint
Generally, a large part of the reason for uneven brushing is that there is more paint on the brush. The amount of paint is too thick when the first brush is applied, which is one of the reasons for the unevenness in brushing. Therefore, when we paint, we must pay special attention not to make the paint on the brush too full. Now brush the paint on the surface of the container and wipe the excess paint on the brush first.
4.Brush painting
In addition to preparation, the most important step to make the paint uniform is of course application. Brush painting is mainly divided into three bottoms: top, bottom and top. Start painting from the last stop position, first brush up once, then pull back to the starting place, and finally pull up again, one brush is done. In addition, brushing is usually started from a high place, so as to avoid staining the brushed paint and repeated construction. It can be even better with our Ragging Roller.
5, check
After the previous steps, whether the effect of the brush is uniform is up to the final inspection. It is necessary to pay attention to any shortcomings such as obvious chromatic aberration or obvious protrusions during monitoring. At this time, you can hit the light on the wall, and the effect of the painting is clear.
Finally, the editor reminded that when choosing paints, try to choose paints with low environmental pollution, and wear masks as much as possible while avoiding paint splashing into the ears, nose and mouth.
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