5 Very Most Common Problems When Painting a Floor!
If you are planning to paint a floor then it will be well worth your while to take note of the 5 most common mistakes: The most common reason for the failures and/or bad finishes of an epoxy coating is the lack of preparation. Many times people simply hope to have a wonderful looking floor without truly appreciating how important it is to prepare the concrete properly. 1.Contamination A lot of people refer to surface contamination and whilst of course it is very relevant, the surface is only what you can see. What about the contamination of the substrate? Concrete is like a sponge. It is full of air holes. Should you tip a bucket of water onto unsealed concrete and probably 95% will disappear into the concrete! This is all very well when referring to water. The water will rise and evaporate over the next few days and the floor will become perfectly dry. However, spill oil onto an unsealed floor and this is can never be fully era...